Thursday, March 11, 2010

Panel 91

(Complete very slight, almost unnoticeable zoom in - Craig is now holding boom box in right hand and suitcase in his left, ready and anticipating whatever might happen next. The words "A DISNEY PARK film" will fade out of screen by the end of this shot)

[SONG: "Kajagoogoo's Theme" by Kajagoogoo - 00:12 to 00:13]

Panel 90

(Continue very slight, almost unnoticeable zoom in as the words "A DISNEY PARK film" fade on to the screen to the left while Craig reaches with his right hand to take hold of previously unidentifiable object out of his left - we can now tell much more clearly that it is a boom box)

[SONG: "Kajagoogoo's Theme" by Kajagoogoo - 00:10 to 00:12]

Panel 89

(Words "WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS presents" fade out of screen - very slight, almost unnoticeable zoom in begins here as Craig stuffs paper back into his pocket)

[SONG: "Kajagoogoo's Theme" by Kajagoogoo - 00:08 to 00:10]

Panel 88

(Craig unfolds piece of paper with right hand and studies it)

[SONG: "Kajagoogoo's Theme" by Kajagoogoo - 00:03 to 00:04]

Monday, March 8, 2010

Panel 87

(Craig stops at top stair to pull a folded piece of paper out of his pocket as the words "WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS presents" fade on to the screen to the left)

[SONG: "Kajagoogoo's Theme" by Kajagoogoo - 00:03 to 00:04]

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Panel 86

(CUT TO: outside of mall at the top of a wide slight set of stairs heading down to the street. Craig exits out door on the beat exactly as the track "Kajagoogoo's Theme" by Kajagoogoo starts playing on the soundtrack -- his right hand can be seen reaching into his pocket)

[SONG: "Kajagoogoo's Theme" by Kajagoogoo -- 00:00 to 00:03]

Panel 85

JOEY (waving motion): "Come again!"

CRAIG'S VOICE (going out the door off-screen): "See ya."

Panel 84

(PAN slightly right as Craig carries suitcase and unidentifiable object towards door, makes wave with free right hand)

CRAIG: "Thank you so much."

Panel 83

JOEY (handing Craig his bag): "You take care and have a good time, okay?"

Panel 82

(BACK UP TO: Joey handing Craig his change)

JOEY: "Here's your change. A dollar ninety-eight."

Panel 81

(CUT TO: Joey behind counter) CRAIG (continuing off-screen): "We've been planning this trip forever now."

JOEY (while putting soda and candy in paper bag): "Sounds great!"

Panel 80

(CUT TO: Craig holding his money while also holding off-screen suitcase in left hand)

CRAIG (continuing): "It was their idea, my friend Goofy's apparently been telling him all about me and Indiana said he really wanted to meet me."

Panel 79

(Joey begins ringing up candy and soda on register as Craig continues)

CRAIG (off-screen): " His name's Indiana Goof."