CRAIG: "By the way, I'd like to get a Coke and licorice, please."
JOEY: "No problem, comin' right up."
The story of when I first met Goofy's famous cousin Indiana Goof at the age of 16 & our first adventure together. Rated PG. * * * * * * * LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This story is a fully original work and is not affiliated with nor is in any way intented to infringe, harm, or otherwise violate either The Walt Disney Company nor Lucasfilm Ltd., nor is it either an actual existing project either in production or being considered by the artist or said companies.
CRAIG: "By the way, I'd like to get a Coke and licorice, please."
JOEY: "No problem, comin' right up."
CRAIG'S VOICE (off-camera): "Thanks. It'll come in handy for emergencies."
CRAIG (enthusiastically): "Yeah, I hear you got PORTABLE PHONES, too! Actually I guess I'm not too surprised about that, they seem to have been a cartoon staple forever now, but STILL, I mean, that is just SO COOL!"
(PAN STOPS as we now see a friendly videogame clerk behind his store's counter. We can now tell that a live-action Craig is in a completely cartoon world and is currently in a videogame store somewhere in that world. The clerk is a kangaroo and speaks with a polite Australian accent, and his name tag identifies him as "Joey".)
JOEY: "Sounds like from your description that we tend to get certain technology a lot sooner than you do."
CRAIG: "Wow. I never thought a videogame could go so DEEP."
DR. REINHOLD: "Ah, now that's better! MUCH better! See, that wasn't so hard after all, now was it? I knew you could do it, just took a little eye-opener, that's all. Now, ready to check out the place?"
(All is still and silent except for the wind)
[NOTE: The Guide's name has now been established as "Sten".]
(Door begins rattling violently, then quaking as though being pounded from other side)
STEN (desperately shrieking): "DOCTOR, PLEASE!! LET ME OUT!! OPEN THE DOOR!!! AAUUGGHH!!!!!" (continues as Dr. Reinhold talks)
DR. REINHOLD: "Wrong answer, Sten! Now just GET A GRIP and GROW UP A BIT and we'll explore the place together!"
STEN (screaming): "PLEASE!!! LET ME OUT!! LET ME GO!!! LET ME---"
GUIDE'S VOICE (hysterical panic, muffled from behind door): "DR. REINHOLD!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? LET ME OUT!!!"
DR. REINHOLD (holding door shut, speaking cooly but loud enough to be heard): "NO FEAR, Sten, EVERYTHING'S UNDER CONTROL! I just decided you need a little dose of REALITY, that's all! Now you know I need someone along in case of emergencies and you're going to ACCOMPANY me! But first I'm holding this door shut until you COME TO YOUR SENSES and REALIZE how CHILDISH you're being! Now as soon as you calm down I'll JOIN you! TRUST me, you'll THANK me for this later!"